Roundhouse, formerly Quarry Hotel, Heath Road South, Weston.

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:Roundhouse, formerly Quarry Hotel, Heath Road South, Weston.

Historically roundhouse was the name for a prison but in this case it reflects the shape of the building which curves round a corner of Heath Road South.

The Quarry, as it was originally named, refers to the well known Weston quarries where sandstone was obtained and used in many important buildings in the area and abroad.

It is referred to as the Roundhouse in 1888 but the Quarry in 1903 and 1939, and has been the Roundhouse again for many years.

This Greenall Whitley beerhouse received its full Licence in May 1928 when the George Inn in Pool Lane was closed. It is referred to locally as the "Top House" to distinguish it from the Royal Oak at the other end of a long terrace of houses and which is referred to as the "Bottom House".

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