Old Runcorn

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:Old Runcorn

The Christmas card depicts a part of Old Runcorn, probably painted in the middle of the last century. It is a picture of the Old Windmill on Mill Brow which continued to operate until the advent of steam power.In the History of Runcorn reference is made to a mill at Halton in the year 1150 and at this period the area now known as Mill Brow was part of Halton. The History does not state what type of mill existed at that time, but our picture no doubt depicts Leicesters Mill which existed in 1821 and after several changes of ownership ceased to operate between 1861 and 1871.Thanks and acknowledgments are extended to the Runcorn Urban District Councilfor permission to photograph and reproduce the original oil painting which hangsin the Public Library, and to Miss M. Knight, the Librarian, for her assistance.The historical facts quoted were obtained from Charles Nicksons History of Runcorn, published in 1887.

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